Beer Summits and the Bible
As I’ve read the news reports on the President’s meeting with police Sergeant James Crowley and Harvard Scholar Henry Louis Gates, I’ve been interested in the different responses. The highly charged...
View ArticleSymphony
Over time, we all come across ideas that change the way we think about ourselves. For me, one of those thoughts is that a well-lived life is more like a symphony than a solo. The point takes nothing...
View ArticleIs God All We Need?
Whether God is all we need surfaced in our discussion of “Christian ideas that can drive you crazy.” Seems to me that this question shows again how, by a simple shift of perspective, or motive, a...
View ArticleWhat’s More Important?
In a business, what is more important, people or process, relationships or product? Or to clarify, what is more important in a commercial enterprise, people and relationships or process and product? My...
View ArticleGod on Trial
After surviving the horrors of Nazi concentration camps, Elie Wiesel wrote a novel titled The Trial of God. Reflecting Wiesel’s own crisis of faith, he created a character who accuses God of...
View ArticleThe Waters of Relationship
Relationships are like chemical reactions. Just as hydrogen and oxygen need one another to become the H2O of water, so we need at least one other person to show who we are and to become who we were...
View ArticleReference Points
Traveling in Asia with co-workers, have been reminded again of the value of persons, relationships, trust, and honesty. Have also seen how important it is to be able to honor together the values of...
View ArticleFamous Pairs
Famous pairs usually have something in common. They are the right combination of two people who help one another do together what they could not have done on their own. A short list might include:...
View ArticleLigers and TomTatoes
Two recent news articles describe attempts to alter nature. One tells the story of a 922 pound cat that made it into the 2014 edition of Guinness World Records. Hercules is a Liger, a cross between a...
View ArticleA Time to Ask
In a book titled Humble Inquiry a social psychologist and retired MIT professor writes about three kinds of humility: 1) “humility that we feel around elders and dignitaries; 2) the humility that we...
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